Sunday, November 29, 2015

Economic life Of Mexico

The Economic Life Of Mexico
           Mexico’s economic freedom score is 66.4, making its economy the 59th freest in the 2015 Index. Its score has declined by 0.4 point since last year, with improvements in three of the 10 economic freedoms, including freedom from corruption and labor freedom, offset by declines in the management of government spending, fiscal freedom, and business freedom. 

Agriculture In Mexico:

Agriculture in Mexico has been an important sector of the country’s economy historically and politically even though now it accounts for a very small percentage of Mexico’s GDP. Mexico is one of the cradles of human agriculture with the Mesoamericans developing domesticated plants such as maize, beans, chili peppers, tomatoes, squash, avocados,cacao various kinds of spices and more. Turkeys were the only domesticated fowl in the pre-hispanic period and small dogs were raised for food.

extraction industry

 Mexico is the 6th largest crude producer and the 10th largest exporter. Although Mexico is also a significant producer of natural gas, it is a net importer of this commodity. 
Mineral reserves is  significant and the sector is organized in a totally different fashion. Exploration and production of minerals are open to private investors, which control a sector that lacks clear and transparent regulation.

Main manufacturing and service industries in Mexico

 service industries: In Mexico would be tourism (USD$11.28 billion) and financial and banking services (USD$5.17 billion). Both figures are estimated for 2009.

 main manufacturing: Mexico have evolved into complex manufacturing operations including televisions, automobiles, industrial and personal products. While inexpensive commodity manufacturing has flown to China, Mexico attracts U.S. manufacturers that need low cost solutions near-by for higher value end products and just-in-time components.

Mexico's main challenges
Health Care : 
In Mexico, 40 million people have incomes below the poverty line, and most of them are very, very poor. In contrast, maybe 2% of the population is rich, so the gap is enormous. If one child is born in the native Indian part of the state of Chihuahua and another is born the same day in Monterey, those children immediately face inequities: the child born in Monterey has a 17-year longer life expectancy.

Crime : most urgent concerns facing Mexico, as Mexican drug trafficking rings play a major role in the flow of cocaineheroin, and marijuana transiting between Latin America and the United States. Drug trafficking has led to corruption, which has had a deleterious effect on Mexico's Federal Representative Republic. Drug trafficking and organized crime have also been a major source of violent crime in Mexico

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